IMASAT Conference at the Master in Intelligent Avionics
Ignacio Fernández, Clue Technologies CEO, was today’s lecturer at the Masters in Intelligent Avionics organized by the University of Malaga (UMA).
The conference, held at the Industrial Engineering Polytechnic, presented the Clean Sky 2 R&D project Integrated Modular Avionics for Small Air Transport (IMASAT) to students and professors. The project is developed in consortium by two companies based in Malaga: AERTEC Solutions and Clue Technologies.
IMASAT project focuses on the design, manufacturing and qualification of a new Computing Node suitable to be used as Flight Control Computer for Small Air Transport (SAT). The aim of the research is to define and implement IMA (Integrated Modular Avionics) concept for SAT, so that European industry players will be able to adopt fly-by-wire (FBW) systems to reduce the weight of avionics systems, reduce maintenance operations and enhance safety by improving the human-machine interface and automatically help stabilize the aircraft.
During the conference, attendants were introduced about Horizon 2020 and Clean Sky 2 initiatives and the project objectives before moving into the technical details about the work carried out by Clue Technologies in the development of the computing nodes.
Call for IMASAT Conference

Awarded the titles of MIA I Edition
Welcome to new Cluers from the MIA I Edition
Join us to welcome our new engineers from the MIA to the company.
+ Álvaro Dios: has studied electronic robotics and mechatronics engineering. He did an internship in Clue Technologies from July 2020 until May this year, when he started the MIA internship, so you all may know him already.
+ Rafael Calderón: is an engineer in robotics electronics and mechatronics. He did the MIA internship in the Software team. He is also a professional basketball player.
+ Antonio Arenas: is a mechanical engineer with a master in acoustic. He studied the MIA for a change in his career and he is joining the software team.

MIA II Edition is coming
Welcome to new Cluers from the MIA I Edition
Join us to welcome our new engineers from the MIA to the company.
+ José Miguel Arana. He is an engineer in robotic electronics and mechatronics. He did the internship of the degree in Clue Technologies from July 2020 to May focused on GPU, together with Alvaro; and from May he did the MIA internship in the Software team.
+ Juan Miguel Linares. He is a telecommunications engineer from the University of Malaga. He has 2 and a half years of experience working in Indra as an Electronics Engineer. He has studied for the Master of intelligent Avionics, doing his internship with the RTL team.
+ Pablo Garrido. He is an electronic, robotic, and mechatronic engineer with 6 months of experience as an EMC test assistant in Dekra he decided to study for the Master of intelligent Avionics, doing the internship with the RTL team.

MIA II Edition
We are organizing the second edition of MIA (Master in Intelligent Avionics) fully sponsored by Clue Technologies.
If you are one of those people who have finished the engineering degree and are looking for the next step in their careers, we have an opportunity to keep learning in the avionic field.
This Master will allow you to join the company after successfully pass the Master.
Are you thinking about what to do next year?
If you are a newly graduated engineer, and you are interested in developing your career in the field of electronic systems for aerospace, this is your opportunity to join our team.
We are conducting the selection process for the candidates to the II Edition of the MIA.